
Zombie Escape

The Best Survival Game

Nowadays, the average user can build such a good PC at a really low price. All you need to do is to actually build a PC from the ground because the price of a singular component is much cheaper than buying a PC with already built in spec. With this new PC, you will finally be able to play all those games that you love to play, without being afraid that they will crash mid gaming.

Zombie Escape

Zombie Escape is one of the best survival games that you can play with your friends or go on a solo adventure. These days, survival games gained popularity really quickly, because people simply love them. Apart from the fact that playing these games gives a real adrenaline boost, you also need to fight for survival just like you would in real life. First, you need to set up a server, which will save all your progress. You can have several servers; however, each server will have its own instance. You can choose to play a campaign or you can play a typical co-op game with your friends. And the goal is one – to survive.

We believe that you will have so much fun playing this game. To discuss tactics with your friends, you should also use voice chat. If you are a streamer or you upload daily videos, then this game will be such a good little refreshment for your channel. The more you play it, the more you will unlock access to special upgrades and many other good things!